The Agricultural Sector Has Long Overlooked the Invaluable Contributions of Women

In many developing countries, women are responsible for agricultural work while managing their households. They face significant challenges when struggling with poor wages, insufficient skill recognition, and inadequate protection.

Working with the land is undeniably one of the most demanding professions, compounded by numerous factors beyond one’s control. However, armed with the right skills and knowledge, farmers can enhance their yields, build resilience, and cultivate a thriving community of female farmers.

Here at Aliet Green, we recognise a fundamental truth: our female farmers are business owners.

Treating them as such, we provide essential support for their success. One impactful way we do this is by offering a fair wage that surpasses the average.

Beyond financial compensation, we conduct invaluable financial literacy sessions, empowering them to diversify their businesses and fortify against unforeseen challenges.

We impart regenerative practices and essential business skills through our’ Green Warriors’ initiative. This involves training our volunteers, who then pass on their knowledge to farmers, creating a chain of information exchange because we understand that knowledge is power.

The ultimate goal of all our efforts is to nurture the next generation of female leaders in the agricultural field. Just imagine the possibilities for the future if we’ve achieved this much in just a few years.

Learn more about driving our ground-breaking work, by connecting with Lastiana – the driving force behind Aliet Green. 🌱💪


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