The First Semester of 2018 has been a successful period for Aliet Green’s Fair Trade Projects. We have intensively worked on our new creative direction – providing beneficial projects for our producers as reported on the Fair Trade Semester Report.

We have continued to focus on our core commodity of Organic Fair Trade Coconut Sugar which has driven volume growth.

Sales of other certified products also multiplied, and we began to evolve our model to work in new and innovative ways with Aliet Green’s producers.

The higher the demand, the more Fair Trade Fund can be distributed. It requires a better and stable quality.

For Aliet Green, high quality always matters as we are the Quality Leader for supplying our Organic and Fair Trade Coconut Sugar and other specialty products from Indonesia.

Below, we would like to happily share our First Semester Short Report on the Use of Fair Trade Funds received. We have used EURO as the currency for all Fair Trade Premium Fund Report.

We want to thank every single producer and consumer, the staff member who made Fair Trade Projects in the First Semester of 2018 the success it was. We laid the foundation for equally successful second Semesters of 2018 and 2019 and looked forward to the challenges and opportunities that come our way as we continue on our mission to change trade.


Organization : Aliet Green

Period : January  –  June 2018

Location : 2 Villages in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Date of Report : July 31, 2018

The Use of Fair Trade Premium Fund Was Divided into following projects:

Capacity building of farmers and community:  5.56%

Infrastructure:  66.67%

Social activities:  11.12%

Internal development of fair trade committees:  8.88%

Production Capacity Improvement:  7.77%


1. Capacity Building of Farmers

Free Training is part of a regular refreshment activity for Aliet Green farmers, so farmers receive updates about standards required by Aliet Green and international markets.

2. Road Constructions

These infrastructures provide easy access to main roads and create forward and backward linkages for agricultural development in the villages.

3. School Constructions and Facilities

Construction is a wide array of facilities in various schools of the areas in sub-villages. Providing proper school equipment is our support for fighting against illiteracy.

4. Social Activities

Fair Trade Premium Fund for Social Activities targeted the elderly, coconut climbers getting farm accidents, scholarships, and social farming activities.

5. Internal Development for Members of Fair Trade Committee

Providing supporting equipment was necessary to help increase the work performance of members of the Fair Trade Committee.

6. Production Capacity Improvement

Fair Trade Premium Fund ensured that Aliet Green farmers fulfill minimum hygiene standards by providing standardized production equipment distributed evenly Impact Target.

Overall, Fair Trade Projects to develop in 2 villages Aliet Green mainly targets more than 1,000 farmers belonging to the project. Still, the beneficiaries accessing infrastructures have reached more than 5,000 inhabitants.

It means Aliet Green could scale up its impact and the influence of Fair Trade Projects and benefit the whole community.

Fair Trade Premium Fund Received (In Total) per June 2018  –  EUR 29,502.72
Fair Trade Premium Spent (In Total) per June 2018  –  EUR 12,857.50
Fair Trade Premium Balance (In Total) per June 2018  –  EUR 16,645.22



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